Seizure First Aid Certification Training

Date(s) - 11/05/2020
6:00 am - 7:30 am


Register: November 5, 2020 – Seizure First Aid Certification Training

About the Training
Seizure Recognition and First Aid Certification is a formal training offered by the Epilepsy Foundation that teaches people:

How to recognize signs of a seizure
How to respond with proper seizure first aid
When to call for help

Why should you know Seizure First Aid?
Knowing how to help someone during a seizure can make a difference and save a life. While there are many different types of seizures, during many of them a person may be confused, not aware of what is going on, or unconscious. Most seizures end on their own or in a few minutes. Some people go back to what they were doing quickly. Others need to recover, and it could take minutes to hours to resume usual activity. A person could get hurt during a seizure or a seizure could last too long, or the seizures could cluster.

Who should be Seizure First Aid Certified?
While everyone should know basic seizure first aid, becoming Seizure First Aid Certified takes you further. You will learn how to recognize signs of a seizure and how to use the basic first aid steps in different settings, for different seizure types and when medical help may be needed.

Seizure First Aid Certification is designed for people who:

Have a family member, loved one, or friend with seizures.
Have a job where you provide care for people with seizures.
Have a job where you work with the public or work with someone who has seizures.
Coach or lead groups.
Work, play or live in areas or settings where seizures could occur.

How can I become Seizure First Aid Certified?
Seizure First Aid Certification Training is offered online with instructor-led webinars. It will also be available through in-person trainings with your local Epilepsy Foundation.

To take an online class:

Register by clicking on the registration link above. (If you are taking the training with others, each person needs to register separately.)
After you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to a pre-test.
Take a pre-test before the training.
You will receive training materials by email.
Allow 75 minutes for the training.
At the end of the training, you will be sent a link to take a post-test.

How long does the certification last?
The certification lasts 2 years. You will be sent an email to recertify every 2 years with a shorter online class.

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