Last month’s Hot Topics facilitated by Dr. Eliza Olaru highlighted the importance of finding a balance between staying safe and living life to its fullest.

Here are a few highlights from the discussion:

  • People who are having active seizures with loss of consciousness should not drive. Individuals with epilepsy whose seizures are fully controlled with medication (and who meet other licensing requirements) can qualify to drive after being seizure free for 6 months in the State of Hawaii, with exceptions, as reported by a physician.
  • Swimming is extremely dangerous for people who are having active seizures as it can appear as though the person is treading water. Always have a buddy and let the lifeguard know of your medical condition if you decide to go in the water.
  • Keep bathtub levels low, water poses a high threat.
  • Keep electric appliances far away from water; use the back burners of the stove.
  • A few adjustments to the bathroom environment can make it safer for people with seizures. A few participants mentioned that when they are in the bathroom, they sing to let their caregivers/parents know that they are safe.
  • It is important to have a Medical ID bracelet. One participant mentioned that she does not like wearing the bracelet so she keeps a Medical Alert ID in her wallet. Here’s a link to a site where you can print out a free emergency medial ID card. Let EFH know if you would like us to print one for you!

Click here for a comprehensive list of safety tips. See you for the next Hot Topics meeting on February 12th.

Visit our old blog to read about past Hot Topics discussions.

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